Thursday, January 9, 2014

Don't Compare

is the thief of joy

Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.
-Marquis the Conqueror

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Missionary work

I’ll Find You My Friend
I was thinking about our friendship, and these are my feelings:
In heaven we were the best of friends
We did everything together.
One day, a grand council was called in heaven,
We knew it was an important event.
Everyone was there- Noah, Moses and Jesus Christ.
Father presented a plan,
And we voted for Christ to be our Savior.
After the council, we ran to get in line to receive our life package.
In the bustle, we were separated.
I received my package and ran to find you.
You were sitting under a tree,
We opened our packages.
Mine said I would be born at a time when the gospel was restored to the earth…
It said that I would have good parents,
And the fullness of the gospel in my home.
I jumped from joy and we hugged each other.
You were so happy for me.
Then you read yours.
I saw the tears in your eyes, and i asked what was wrong?
You said that you would also be born when the gospel was restored,
But you would be born in a different place,
And the gospel would not be in your home.
You looked me straight in the eye and said:
Friend, FIND ME.
No matter what it takes, or the trials you have to endure..
Please, FIND ME. And bring me the Gospel of Jesus Christ

This was a poem shared by my counselor at OYA she is the most amazing woman ever! She is my role model

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Don't give up

Our greatest glory is not in never falling,
 but in rising every time we fall.