Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Missionary work

I’ll Find You My Friend
I was thinking about our friendship, and these are my feelings:
In heaven we were the best of friends
We did everything together.
One day, a grand council was called in heaven,
We knew it was an important event.
Everyone was there- Noah, Moses and Jesus Christ.
Father presented a plan,
And we voted for Christ to be our Savior.
After the council, we ran to get in line to receive our life package.
In the bustle, we were separated.
I received my package and ran to find you.
You were sitting under a tree,
We opened our packages.
Mine said I would be born at a time when the gospel was restored to the earth…
It said that I would have good parents,
And the fullness of the gospel in my home.
I jumped from joy and we hugged each other.
You were so happy for me.
Then you read yours.
I saw the tears in your eyes, and i asked what was wrong?
You said that you would also be born when the gospel was restored,
But you would be born in a different place,
And the gospel would not be in your home.
You looked me straight in the eye and said:
Friend, FIND ME.
No matter what it takes, or the trials you have to endure..
Please, FIND ME. And bring me the Gospel of Jesus Christ

This was a poem shared by my counselor at OYA she is the most amazing woman ever! She is my role model

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